
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

August 24

Aug 24, 1995   Microsoft inflicts Windows 95 on an unsuspecting world.
I went hiking in Claremont Canyon yesterday to clear my head.  Three hours, six miles, and 1000 ft elevation change later, I was sweaty, sunburnt and still fixated on the bug and its countdown.  While up there, didn't pay enough attention to the trail... scratched my palms slipping on loose gravel, more than once.  Now it hurts to type.
Aug 24, 1456  Printing completed on the Gutenberg Bible.
You know the special dates that mean something to you, but not everyone else?  (For me, March 21 will always be the day I got called to the Vice Principal's office for cutting 8th-grade chorus.  I think it's because I have a permanently ingrained mental image of the yellow hall pass that was sent from the VP’s office to collect me.) 
Aug 24, 79 AD  Mt. Vesuvius erupts for the first time, destroying Pompei.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
(tries to stop thinking about it)
Time for some updates:
Aunt Margaret wants you to know how touched she is by the flood of support we've gotten on this blog and via email.  So touched that she wants to mix a new flavor of her honey in honor of you guys — a black button sage variety, but I'm not sure she knows what to call it yet.
Warm fuzzies aside... the hijacked countdown has definitely gotten under Aunt M's skin.  "Strong intrusive inclination" gives her the "heeby jeebies" (her words).  She asked me if "the medium will metastasize" means that her computer is going to explode.  I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but unfortunately for now, I don't have a more optimistic interpretation to offer her. 
I hate that Aunt M is losing sleep over this.
Or that I am, for that matter. (checks timestamp.  Sigh.)
I’d feel a lot more comfortable if I understood its motives better…
At least I now know from Marc (first of several) that the image glitches are caused by embedded texts of origins unknown.  Not sure how they fit together.
I'm guessing from the some of the emails I've received that at least a handful of you are chewing on this problem in real-time somewhere...?  Is there a channel I can direct other people to, so they can sync up with you?
P.S. A lot of you have sent emails asking for personal information that might be relevant to the problems at I Love Bees.  To be honest, I'm still figuring out how much I feel comfortable sharing at this point.  I hope you can be patient with me.